Tea Parties Old & New
'“I only read the Bible, the catechism, and the Almanac.” | “Well, what was it then that made you go out and fight the British?” | "What we meant in going after those Redcoats was simple. You see, we had always governed ourselves, we always intended to govern ourselves, and they didn’t mean that we should.”' http://bit.ly/eMrg6I
'I believe that we are at a turning point in our history. It is not clear what will happen. We will either go the way of every other republic in world history, or we will regain our footing and reset our compass.' ibid.
"With firmness in the right as God gives us to see the right, let us strive on to finish the work we are in," - A. Lincoln, 2nd Inaugural http://bit.ly/fuzKso
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