Stupidity marches on:
Stupidity marches on: "In other words, the post-American world could look a lot like the rather terrifying pre-American version of seven decades past. Why in the world would we wish to return to it?"
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Pages of interest linked via Google Tool Bar Blog-It.
Stupidity marches on: "In other words, the post-American world could look a lot like the rather terrifying pre-American version of seven decades past. Why in the world would we wish to return to it?"
Unhealthy society marches on: "a healthy society should eventually recognize emotional voyeurism and personal-pain pornography for what they are, and marginalize them."
Morality marches on: "Unlike President Obama, who has reminded us that American values may not be suitable for most countries, Mr. Netanyahu spoke of his pride that his country, Israel, mirrors the idealism and nobility of America. Contrary to Barack Obama, Netanyahu believes in American exceptionalism."
Liberal justice marches on: "Now, he said, the majority were ordering the release of "46,000 happy-go-lucky felons." He added that "terrible things are sure to happen as a consequence of this outrageous order." Justice Clarence Thomas agreed with him."
"We" march on: "We allowed this huge financial system to emerge without any meaningful constraints…The size of the shock was larger than what precipitated the Great Depression."
Jihad marches on: "Can you imagine a modern publication pointing out the vast disparity in land mass and population between Israel and the Arabs, or even acknowledging in the opening paragraph of any article that Israel has a right to exist?"
Bully marches on: "Obama is just doing now what all bullies and losers start doing when they realise how unpopular they are and that everyone is abandoning them. They suck up to anybody and everybody."
O marches on: "The Arab spring demonstrates the marginal nature of the problem of the Palestinian Arabs in the Arab world. For Obama to inject it after the damage he has already done is an act of ego and malice."
Ending church marriages: "Comments: [...] 12. Early New England puritans banned church marriage ceremonies as a relic of Romanism. Government is the proper arbiter of earthly relationships. The government's main interest is to minimize later legal bickering over inheritance by registering marriages (and births).
Cain marches on: "it would be the kind of doggone honest and refreshing campaign the country needs."
Stay tuned: "Will democrats support Israel… Or will they support Obama and Hamas?"
Sub-prime promoter marches on: “This is Barney Frank’s M.O. — burn the house down, then take his hand off of the gas can and say, ‘It’s (the GOP’s) fault,’ ”
Classic cult marches on: "The Obama mystique is a classic cult of personality. They understand their leader’s image is their most valuable asset."
Magic hat marches on: "Kerry's secret is that he has just enough self-restraint to maintain an illusion of dignity among those who sympathize with him politically. That they take him seriously only adds to the humor."
Anti-O marches on: '"You are our partners, not our banks," Christie said, referring to the business community.'
Jihad marches on: "Obama today proposed giving half of Jerusalem, the Wailing Wall, The Temple Mount, Old Jerusalem, The holiest Christian Church in the world, The Church of the Holy Sepulchre to Hamas-Fatah terrorist alliance."
The true West marches on: 'If one word is needed to sum it up, it was used by President Mary McAleese when the Queen opened her state banquet speech in Gaelic: “Wow.”'
Sarah marches on: "I am so adamantly supportive of the good traditional things about America and our free enterprise system and I want to make sure that America is put back on the right track and we only do that by defeating Obama in 2012."
O marches on: "Nearly everything Obama said was either factually incorrect or deliberately misleading."
Marx marches on: "When a nation vilifies the productive and makes mascots of the unproductive, it doesn't bode well for its future."
"[FDR's 193] Happy days are here again": "The reality is that we are following virtually the same economic playbook as we did 80 years ago in dealing with the Great Depression, which resulted in a false recovery, followed by the most painful contraction in U.S. history with a 25 percent unemployment rate,”
A bible that can be trusted: "No bible of any other religion is so critical of the religious group affiliated with that bible as the Hebrew Scriptures are of the Jews."
Class warfare marches on: 'President Barack Obama's constant talk about "millionaires and billionaires" needing to pay higher taxes would be a bad joke, if the consequences were not so serious.'
Warmists march on: “Don’t let the deeply untrustworthy IPCC decide the fate of the UK economy.”
O (& lemmings) march on: "We will drill if it's safe for polar bears, caribou and West Texas lizards, and if it doesn't contribute to the "climate change" myth."
Today, Egypt. Tomorrow? "They’re arresting businessmen right and left in Egypt just for the crime of being successful."
Drudge marches on: “the best wire editor on the planet. He can look into a huge stream of news, find the hot story and put an irresistible headline on it.”
Ignorance (or malice or both) marches on: 'When he expressed puzzlement at the idea that the stimulus money may not have been well-spent, and said that "spending equals stimulus," he betrayed a shocking level of economic ignorance.'
Espionage marches on: "His computer and its contents turned out to be his life insurance. If it weren't for that, he wouldn't have left Europe alive,"
Common sense marches on: "Number one: stimulate the economy with direct stimuli," he says. "Lower corporate tax rates, lower personal income tax rates -- they work. Take the capital gains tax rate to zero. Suspend taxes on foreign repatriated profits. Provide a real payroll tax holiday"
Financial debacle marches on: "They may finally have to try to explain why technical default is a crisis, but runaway spending is not."
Automated autos march on: "The internet and computer software company has been testing the vehicles for the past year and have now hired a lobbyist to promote their cause. [...] Google believes the vehicles will prove to be safer, more fuel-efficient and environmentally friendly than human-driven cars."
"In the last week of April, she met with White House Chief of Staff William Daley to request a meeting with the president to secure approval for the mission. Within hours, Daley called to say that Valerie Jarrett refused to allow the president to give that approval."
Decline of manners marches on: "Unlike a number of today’s Arab kleptocrats and vulgar Russian oligarchs, no one escorted hookers, no one employed bodyguards and no one employed PR assistants. Today’s upwardly mobile, socially inept, vulgar types never would have mixed with, say, fabled playboys ---"
Jihad marches on: “Accelerate the destruction of America, Britain, France and Denmark. Oh God, reward the fighters hitting the infidels and defectors. God, be pleased with those who want to go for jihad – and blind those who are watching and want to capture them.”
O & big labor march on:"This is nothing more than bullying by the labor unions. This is President Obama and Harry Reid carrying [the unions’] bag, carrying their water, and our companies are hurting because of it, This is a terrible thing for South Carolina. It’s a terrible thing for our country. And I will tell you: While this happened in South Carolina, I won’t let it happen to any other governor in any other state,"
O marches on: "I doubt Washington has gotten the message though! I hope you do. Your family is depending on it."
Heritage lost forever? "Our national embrace of multiculturalism, grievance mongering, and internationalism, along with a distorted and biased version of our national story (such as can be found in nearly every textbook in America) threatens to blind us to the sources of our strength."
Community organization marches on: "Nice touch. Looks like the Tucson truce — no demonization, no cross-hairs metaphors — is officially over. After all, the Republicans want to kill off the elderly, throw the disabled in the snow and watch alligators lunch on illegal immigrants."
But Islam is at war with humanity: "The United States is not at war with Islam, but neither should our nation be promoting it. America has traditionally advocated the principles of freedom of conscience and individual liberty, concepts that are in dire need of support in most Muslim states."
Wisdom from our least-esteemed president: 'He added that if they (Northern politicians) “did not repeal their unconstitutional and obnoxious enactments … the injured states, after having used all peaceful and constitutional means to obtain redress, would be justified in revolutionary resistance to the Government of the Union.”' -
Marx marches on: "This is what those oh-so compassionate professors at American Catholic universities think passes for Christianity; Hell doused in air-freshener!"
The lunacy of the left: "But most people on the left choose denial, if not outright delusion. Why? Because, unlike conservatives, progressives don't just carry [political] beliefs; they are their [political] beliefs. Their ideology is their identity. And stripped of this, what would they have left? Nothing, emptiness, being lost in an unfathomable universe. This is precisely why people create alternative realities...because the real one is too unbearable."
Interesting precedent: "The State Supreme Court determined that Governor Moodie was ineligible to serve, and he was removed from office on February 16, 1935"
O not the first phony portrayed as liberal super-hero: "Why are we startled to learn the real truth about Gandhi and Malcolm? Because journalists are remarkably adept at seeing only what they want to see when a liberal dreamboat comes floating along on a river of lies."
Both constitutionally disqualified & Constitutionally disqualified: "Obama may have been born with U.S. citizenship, if indeed he was actually born in the U.S., but he was also born with Kenyan-United Kingdom citizenship and later had Indonesian citizenship. The Founding Fathers understood natural born citizenship to be one without divided loyalties"
Folly marches on: "The greatest problem we face is the self-imposed cost and regulatory burden placed on the development of manufacturing businesses."
Insanity marches on: "The western world imports, nurtures and celebrates its enemies; its dominant institutions render that fact undiscussable; and they’re prepared to demolish their own justice systems and prosecute the most absurd thought-crimes against those who decline to get with the program."
Duplicity on speed: "Terrorists who would have been captured under Mr Bush so that every last morsel of information could be wrung out of them have been sent straight to their maker under Mr Obama."
It's all pretty wonderful: "Neither can we forget the watchdogs of America's press, who have shown unprecedented ethical flexibility in shedding their long-held Gandhi moralism and embracing their inner Rambo."
Ignorance marches on: "this White House must be counting on the ignorance of the voters and the press to get Obama re-elected, because the rest of us cannot believe how manifestly incompetent an executive he is."
Actually, of course, O wilted under pressure as usual. But the adults in the administration managed to avoid complete failure. 'The Democrats' jubilation results from the fact that their guy didn't wilt under pressure, but rather lived up to the standard that George W. Bush and John McCain easily met. For this, he is called "courageous" and "gutsy."'
Nonsense. The awakened giant invading two countries because of the destruction of two towers finished it: "the solemn event brought the country back to the start of what bin Laden’s death had finished."
Valerie Jarrett fails to castrate US: "The president had been instructed by Jarrett to inform Mr., Panetta that he would have sole discretion to act against the Osama Bin Laden compound. Jarrett believed this would further delay Panetta from acting, as the responsibility for failure would then fall almost entirely on him. What Valerie Jarrett, and the president, did not know is that Leon Panetta had already initiated a program that reported to him –and only him, involving a covert on the ground attack against the compound."
Hillary, Leon, & Bill forced O & his fifth column to go along: "The killing of Osama Bin Laden was in fact a Coup within Obama WH."
A good neighbor: "He had two wives, one spoke Arabic, and the other one spoke Urdu. They had three children, a girl and two boys. They gave me two rabbits."